My Pride Song: Share Your Story
Pride Classical invites you to share the songs and stories that mean the most to you as a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community. We created Pride Classical because we care deeply about Pride, music, and the queer community. While we selected our songs to represent some of the most memorable moments in our shared history, our two-hour performance can only cover so much.
We're inviting you to tell us about the songs and stories that resonate most with you. Share your Pride song and its story, and you will be part of our exhibition

Share your Pride Song
If Pride matters to you, we invite you to share your Pride song and story. This is your moment to express what Pride means to you in a creative and personal way. Here’s how to participate:
Keep it Simple: Record a video in portrait mode, keeping it to 1 minute in length. This can be a simple message, a song, or any creative expression.
Get Creative: You can sing, speak, or show what your Pride song means to you. Use music, artwork, or writing inspired by your Pride song.
Explore Your Space: Film in meaningful locations—where you fell in love, danced the night away, or made unforgettable memories. Just remember to get permission from the owner if needed.
Include Friends and Family: Make it a group effort with your partner, children, community group, pets, or go solo—whatever feels right for you.
Everyone’s Welcome: We welcome everyone to show their Pride. You can share how you identify if you wish, but it's not required. Our main goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and celebrated.
Submission Guidelines
Videos should be no more than one minute in length.
Please include the name of the song and its original artist/s in full when you submit your video. If we can’t verify the accuracy of this information, we may not include your video - so if it’s by a less well known artist, please tell us that.
Audio recording must be clear and good quality.
You’re welcome to show your face, but if you prefer not to be recognisable then that’s fine too.
We’d encourage you to include your name and pronouns, but this is optional. Nicknames, drag names, stage names or partial names are welcome.
If submissions are not in spoken or written English, please provide an accompanying translation. All videos will be captioned/subtitled in English.
In line with our principles of inclusion, we won’t share content which is, or may appear to be, critical or exclusive of any individual/s or group/s. These decisions will be made in line with our principles and will be final.
By submitting any recording, you confirm that:
You have the owner’s permission if you’ve recorded in a private space.
You have permission from the creator or copyright holder to include any edits, artwork or effects.
Anyone, other than yourself, who can be identified in your video has given you their permission to be included.
You give permission to Carrot Productions to share your video in full, in a shortened form, as still images and/or as transcribed text, freely and until further notice, via their owned and managed channels. Initially we intend to share all videos via YouTube and a selection via StoriBoard, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.